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Kilgore Consignment Auction

Saturday, June 27, 9:00 am @ 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Kilgore Consignment Auction

Sat. June 27, 2015              9:00 a.m.

Location: 3120 Steubenville Rd., Carrollton, OH 44615

Auction will be held 4 miles south of Carrollton, and 5 miles north of Kilgore, OH

 Consignments wanted: Farm related, sawmill, construction, furniture

Early consignments include: Pioneer 14” riding plow, NH #273 hayliner, NH 3 pt. #450 sickle bar mower, hay wagon on heavy duty gear, Speery NH tedder, Ford 3 pt. 14# bottom plow, Oliver grain drill, spring tooth harrow, McD #9 mower (rebuilt), JD grain drill, Pioneer springtooth harrow, 9’ cultimulcher, Oliver 2-way plow, locust posts, hog feeders, new steel gates, new buggy harness, new pony wagon, road cart, new tack from Triple S Harness, weed whacker on wheels, new chicken coop, storage barn, pony carts and saddles.

Horses: 4 year old Dutch/Standardbred cross gelding, TSS., Expecting several standardbred horses.

Sawmill related and Tools: 30″ Frick edger, 6’ transfer deck, 30’ Mellot live rolls, head set dogs, dog racks, Cornell sawdust blower, 500 gallon air tank, air compressor, Husqvarna concrete saw (like new),  Stihl 660 and 029 chan saws, pallet shelving, large vises, screw jack anvils, ext. ladders, Jet sander.

Furniture and household: Maytag wringer washer, new bent oak rockers and gliders, fouton, more new furniture, hanging baskets, Ashland deluxe cookstove, Singer treadle sewing machine, some antiques and collectibles.

Note: Consignments will be accepted until Friday evening June 26. To consign call Jonas Byler 330-739-2082 or drop your items off Weds, Thurs. or Friday.

Terms: Cash, good check or credit card

Lunch stand: for Sawmill school 

Auction manager: Jonas Byler 330-739-2082 (leave  amessage)

Auctioneer: Orus Mast 330-473-9077; Myron Miller


Saturday, June 27, 9:00 am
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Event Category:


Orus Mast


Kilgore Auction
3120 Steubenville Road
Carrollton, OH 44615 United States
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