Homes and property auctions and listings in Ohio's Amish Country
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015 @ 10:00 a.m.
Location: 2764 US 62, Dundee, OH 44624 – The auction is located 1.3 miles west of Winesburg, Ohio or 6.5 miles east of Berlin, Ohio.
Horses and Ponies:
Team of 5 year old red sorrel and 7 year old light sorrel Belgian mares, half-sisters, both mares are broke to all farm machinery & sell choice. The 7 yr. old mare is in foal to Hershy Acres Rocky. 8 month old red sorrel stud colt by Hershy Acres Rocky. A 9 year old paint pony broke to ride and in foal to a paint stallion. 2 year old paint gelding pony.
Holstein second lactation cow due around sale day (milked by hand). Jersey 1st calf heifer (fresh in Feb.). (2)Angus cross steers approx. 500lbs.
Farm Machinery – Tractor, Threshing Machine:
McD. W6 tractor on hard rubber, Dion 22×38 threshing machine in good condition, Rosenthal 4 roll husker/shredder, Papec silo filler, McD. 7’ grain binder, McD. corn binder, N.H. #68 baler with recently overhauled Wisc. motor, (2) McD. #9 regular gear mowers, kicker hay tedder, McD. web hay loader, J.D. 4 bar rake, hay wagon, 32’ hay and grain elevator, Wooster, Ohio box wagon with wooden wheels, Pioneer fore cart with brakes, fore cart, 44”x6’ dump trailer (steel wheels), Indiana riding plow, J.D. and Oliver walking plows, one row I-J cultivator, J.D. 11 hoe grain drill, McD. corn planter, spring and spike tooth harrows, double disk, field drag, cultipacker, Yoder field sprayer, 10’ lime drill, N.I. 10A manure spreader.
Farm Misc.
Double set Bio draft harness, single harness, bio buggy and pony harness, pony cart with wooden wheels, 2,3, and 4 horse eveners, neck yokes, 12’ grain auger, collars, fanning mill, hand corn sheller, corn and grain bundle carriers , harpoons, grapple hooks, ropes and pulleys, dehorner, Castrater, 40’ extension ladder, chain hoist, hyd. jacks, 2.2 h.p. Honda motor, Kawasaki 3h.p. motor, buzz saw, feed bin, Adler sewing machine with air motor, Viking 60,000# hyd. shop press, pig heaters, martin house, a selection of lumber, cross cut saw, machinery and harness parts, old foot pedal grinder, rolls of snow fence, pig feeder, cattle panels, belt lacer, slip scraper,(7) 10.5ft trusses, wagon load of misc.
Milking Equipment:
(9) Aluminum milk cans, stainless steel strainer and buckets, cream separator.
Butchering Tools:
cast iron kettle, sausage stuffer, lard press, gallows
250 bales of 1st cutting hay, and 200 bales of 2nd and 3rd cutting hay.
Approximately 10 cut sandstones.
Grandma Miller’s Jenny Lynn bed, (2) full beds, ½ bed, chest of drawers, (3)dressers, hall tree, gas and oil lanterns and lights, couch, chairs, magazine stand, end tables, ping pong table, canning jars, old wooden benches, more misc. of Household items.
Arrow Heads:
Approximately 50 arrow heads are consigned from Clark, Ohio.
PLEASE NOTE: Martin and Edna farmed with natural products (no chemicals) therefore the hay and livestock are all natural except the Holstein cow was out on rental
Lunch Stand: Available – proceeds go to Ohio Crippled Children’s Fund.
Terms: Cash or Check with proper ID.
Owners: Martin and Edna Yutzy
Orus Mast 330-473-9077
Joseph Miller
Appr. Auctioneer Matthew Raber