Homes and property auctions and listings in Ohio's Amish Country
Saturday March 25, 2023 • 9:30 am
8689 T.R. 609 Fredericksburg, OH 44627
Between Fryburg & Fredericksburg at Stutzman Lumber, take T.R. 606 East to TR 609 North to the first farm
Farm Machinery: McCormick Standard W-6 tractor (nice), Master Equipment manure spreader in exc. condition , 9 ‘ cultimulcher like new, New Holland # 68 baler with a Wisconsin motor, New Holland # 472 7 ‘ haybine, New Holland #56 rake, 30 Hp Wisconsin power cart with hyd., motor cart with a Wisconsin VE motor, Sitrex 4 star tedder, McD # 9 7’ hay mower, Pioneer & E-Z Trail forecarts, Pioneer sulky plow with a Kv bottom and a foot lift, 2 walking plows, spring & spike tooth harrows, John Deere 13 hole grain drill, Dunham disk, I & J cultivator, Evener shop cone fertilizer spreader, McD. 7’ grain binder, N I #323 corn picker, Gehl B 40 silo filler with shredder heads, Int. #1150 grinder mixer, ladder wagon, 2 gravity wagons, Cross bale elevator, 20 ‘x6“grain auger, bale spear, Wisc. Baler motor, 4-ton poly feed bin with a crank auger, 7’x15’ round bale feed bunk, round bale feeder,
6’ x 8’ chicken coop on skids,
Farm Misc.: 3 T-14 martin houses w / aluminum posts and winches, 10,000 watt generator with an Onan motor on a trailer, 2 sets Bio harnesses, collars, 2,3,&4 horse eveners, neck yokes, mini surrey and boy’s top buggy both in good condition, road cart , buggy trailer, 14’ V bottom aluminum boat, acetylene torch set with a cart, apple grinder, welding table, tool chest, 5 hp Honda w/ reduction gear, cement float, 8’ &10’ step ladders, hand crank corn sheller, wagon load of misc.
Antiques & Collectibles: sausage stuffer, wooden butter churn, appr. 10 crocks, grain cradle, wooden pulleys, egg scale, block planes, oil cans, copper tea kettle, corn huskers, advertising items, tins, old games, Monopoly in the original wooden box, Aladdin oil lamp, Germany bowls, toy tractors including 3 WD9 tractors, Graham Bradley die cast, John Deere 28x 48 threshing machine, McD W-30, & a John Deere model A, Alice & Jerry books, tin tea sets, farm lunch bucket, apple peeler, bread maker, Hartville L.S. auction cane, sad irons, Dazey butter churn, (6) 4” & 6” crescent type wrenches, Pit Mony’s Jake Fannie’s bureau, toy blocks, granite, colored Pyrex, gold rimmed berry set, handmade quilt, local watch fobs,
Furniture & Household: Curly walnut Keim Lumber wall clock (like new), China hutch, large sliding glass curio, walnut 14’ extension table, walnut bookcase, cedar chest, beds, dressers, nightstand, hickory rocker, rebounder, crib, Uncle Arthur’s bible story set, Lifetime cookware, canning jars, misc. tupperware, glassware, and household items not listed.
Consigned: John Deere 4 bar hay rake, McD # 7 mower, John Deere # 210 riding plow.
Terms: Cash, Good Check, or Credit Card
Lunch stand by: Tower View School
Owners: Andy A. & Mary A. Troyer
Auctioneers Orus Mast 330-473-9077 – Daniel Weaver – Allen Mast 330-600-0754