Homes and property auctions and listings in Ohio's Amish Country
Public Gun & Tool Auction
Friday, November 25, 2022 • 9:00 A.M.
Location: 628 Dever Rd. Oak Hill, OH 45656
100 Guns – Private Collection · Buggies · Mowers · Horse
Mule · Collectibles · Tools
Guns & Hunting related items: We’ll be selling a very nice clean Private collection of 100 guns including, A Henry 22 Golden Boy NIB,Henry 22 lever action NIB, Henry 22 Mag lever action with a big loop, Henry 450 Bushmaster w/s, Browning 12ga. with a gold trigger, Buck Special 24” & 6 1⁄2” barrel), Browning 270 short mag semi auto
w/s, Remington Wingmaster 20 ga., Remington 870 Express 12ga., Remington model 742 30-06, Remington 870 Wingmaster 12 ga., Henry 22 L.R. lever action, Remington model 700 243 w/s, Remington 770 300 Win Mag. w/s, Winchester Supermax Model 1 12ga, Winchester 350 Legend with a S.S. barrel I.B., Winchester 350 Legend w/woodstock S.S. barrel NIB, Winchester 350 legend w/s I.B., Remington 783 7mm mag. w/s, Heritage Rough Rider 22 L.R. NIB, Stoker Condor 12ga. over & under, Stevens Favorite model 71 (1 of 500 NIB), Ruger American 350 Legend w/ Lone barrel NIB, Weatherby 12ga. With sling and slug bbl, Heritage Rough Rider 22 L.R. w/a gold cylinder, Savage Axis 350 Legend w/s NIB, Ruger American 450 BushMaster w/s, Benelli 12ga. 2 3⁄4” to 3” shells, Heritage 22 cal. NIB, Savage Axis 350 Legend NIB, Weatherby 245 Vanguard w/s NIB, Rossi 22 pump NIB, Circuit Judge 45 & 410 with a gold
trigger, Mossberg Patriot 450 Bushmaster w/s NIB, Plus a lot of other good clean guns. 2 Cannon gun safes (one is like new,) approx. 4,000 rounds ammo, many different kinds, 2 Summit climbing tree stands.
Horses – Mule – Buggies – And Related items: 9 yr old Standardbred G. TSS safe for older people, 48” mule broke to ride and drive, 3 top buggies-Z entry road cart, 1 horse gang mower (like new), 3 Silver Pro push mowers, 4 scooters one is new, 2 saddles, pony wagon, pony harness,
Boats: 14’ Starcraft boat with a Tohatsu 9.9HP 4 stroke motor with a trolley, motor fish finder(motor is like new), 14’ boat w/6hp Johnson motor with a trolley motor fish finder, both boats are ready to put in the water. A nice selection of fishing tackle.
Tools: Honda 13 H.p motor and air compressor on slides (sell together, only a yr old), 500 gal. air tank, (2) 24’ extension ladders, 8’ step ladder, 20’ ext. ladder, portable air compressor with a Honda motor, Stihl #250 & Stihl #291 chainsaws, air drills, roofing and framing nailers, shingle rippers, 10’ metal brake, Whiteman 36” power trowel, Power skirt w/10’ or14’ board, (2) 12’ air ceiling fans and lots more.
Household and Collectibles: Oak roll top desk, china hutch, 3 Miller Tech fans, 2 Coleman gas stoves, 2 burner oil stove w/oven on top, quilt frame, bench, 25 gallon cast iron kettle on a stand, 7 day wind up clock, 12 wooden pulleys, grain cradle, 2 man saw, 2 tricycles, Leclerc carpet loom,
Note: The guns will not be on the premises until sale day. This is an outstanding collection.
Sale Order: We will start with misc. at 9 a.m.; buggies, horse, and mule at approximately 11a.m.; ammunition at 11:30; guns start at 12 noon.
Terms: Cash or Good Check
Auction by: The Owners
Lunch Stand:
Auctioneers: Orus Mast 330.473.9077 Allen Mast 330 600 0754, Daniel Weaver