Homes and property auctions and listings in Ohio's Amish Country
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2015 @ 10:00 A.M
Location: 4696 Cody Road, Cazenovia, New York 13035
We are looking for consignments of good farm machinery, tractors, skid loaders, and farm related items. Loaders will be on the farm to unload your equipment March 31 and April 1. For free advertising contact auction manager Reuben Mast 315-697-9143 with your consignments.
Ford 7700 cab tractor, Gehl #217099’ haybine, Kuhn 9’ rotary rake, H&S 4 star tedder, (3) kick-er wagons, NH #315 baler with kicker, Woods 12’ fielddrag, Woods 6’ brush hog, Knight model 8014 side slingerspreader, Patz 16’ silage unloader, Vandale 22’ silageunloader, Int. 3 bottom plow with spring reset, Winco PTOportable generator, 24”x32” maple syrup evaporator, Int. 4row corn planter, 3pt. American wood splitter, 5’x10’ dumptrailer, Ferguson 3pt. cultivator, NH 256 rollbar rake, NH488 haybine, Hesston 12 wheel rake; JD 4050 Cab Tractor,Nice; Ford 3000 Tractor with Blade; New Holland TC40Tractor, 4WD with Loader; Gehl SL 3825 Skidloader; JD930 Haybine; NH 499 Haybine, Center Pivot; Quick AttachBale Spear, New; Ford 505 Mower, 3pt; Kverneland 3-Bottom 18” 3pt; Field Drags; AC 2000 3 Bottom Plow, Cyl.Reset; Gehl Hi Throw Silage Blower; MF 1620 Hay Tedder,new; JD 347 Baler with #40 Kicker; NH 56 Rake; KuhnGA4220TH Rake, Excellent; Kuhn FC4000G Discbine;1990 Ford Pickup with Snowplow, Diesel; (2) NH 900Choppers, (1) for Parts; Miller Pro 914 Merger; Kidd RoundBale Chopper; Case IH 8312 Disc Mower; MC DeeringPedal Type Grinder; 12×20 Garage with Garage Door, New;10×16 Storage Barn, New; 10×12 Storage Barn, New.
Unloading Dates, 3/28-30-31 and 4/1 8:00am to 5:00pm
Lunch Stand: by Amish School
Auction Manager: Reuben Mast 315-697-9143
Orus Mast 330-473-9077
Dean Beachy