Homes and property auctions and listings in Ohio's Amish Country
Date: Saturday March 7, 2015 @ 9:00 am
Location: 68 Buggy Shop Lane, Loganton PA 17747
Directions: From Rt. I80 take Loganton Exit 185 & go south on 477 1 mile to Loganton & turn right on 880 & go west 1/4 mile to 1st Farm on left.
From Rebersburg go North on 880 11 miles to farm on the right.
FARM EQUIPMENT: 1066 Int. Tractor, 336 JD baler w/ motor, JD harvester w/ processor, Gehl forage harvester, 323 NI corn picker, McD corn binder w/ Honda motor & narrow alum loader w/ hyd., McD 1 horse corn binder w/ Honda motor, Tonutti 7’ scissor mower w/ hyd. & 4 cyl Wisc motor, Case 5’ ground drive mower, NH 56 rake, NH spinner rake & tedder w/ 5 HP Honda motor, NI crimper, 4 flatbed wagons – 1 like new, hay elevator, hyd. unit w/ Honda motor, 3 forecarts – 1 Auto Turn w/ breaks, White Horse hyd. forecart, gravity bin, IH disk, NI ground drive manure spreader, 1100gal ELS liquid manure spreader w/ Honda motor, 8’ Dry Hill manure pump, fertilizer spreader w/ Honda motor, 150 gal field sprayer, several wagon loads of farm misc.
Tobacco Equipment:
Conventional or No-Till Cedar Hill transplanter, 1 horse 50 gal Black Rock tobacco sprayer, large hyd. tobacco baler w/ digital scales, 2 tobacco wagons, 500 gal water tank on skids, tobacco stripper, tobacco shears & spears, approx 20,000 tobacco laths.
Carriages: Rebuilt closed carriage like new, rebuilt market wagon like new, new reg. breaking cart w/ brakes & light, new Ohio style cart w/ brakes & lights, 2 wheeled trailer w/ lights, misc items – air drills ect.
Shop Equipment: Grizzly G5959 12” table saw w/ hyd., 14” table saw w/ hyd. motor, 12” air sliding chop saw, 12” Grizzly planer molder, 15” hyd Power Matic planer, Power Max welder, Grizzly 15” air band saw, metal cutting band saw w/ air motor, hyd. sander, Dunkert overarm hyd. router, drill press w/ air motor, 22” Radial arm saw, 12” sliding compound air mitre saw, 12” data blade set like new, acet. torch, Homelite skill saw, 2-500 gal air tanks, air tools & wagon loads misc.
Butchering Equipment:Sausage stuffer, lard press, SS kettle, butcher ket-
tle, large meat grinder w/ hyd. motor, misc butchering equipment.
Other: 6’ Grandfather Clock
Terms: Cash or check w/ ID – Out of state checks accepted w/ bank credit letter.
Owners: Jacob & Rachel Fisher
For more info call: VM. 570-725-2704
5345 TR 118 Baltic, Ohio 43804
PA Lic #AU005157
Vern Yoder
PA Lic #AU005267