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Davis Auction
Saturday, June 13, 9:00 am @ 9:00 am

LOCATION : 2068 CR 61 • Millersburg, OH 44654
Directions: From CR 19 1½ miles west of Becks Mills or 4 miles East of Clark take CR 61 ½ mile to location.
Saturday – June 13, 2015 @ 9:00 A.M.
TRACTOR-RANGER-GOLF CART-MOWERS-BARN-LAWN & GARDEN ITEMS: Farmel H Tractor on new rubber, Polaris Ranger 4×4 w/ dump bed & heater & lights & Reese Hitch & 4 extra tires, like new gas Club Car golf cart w/ lights & fold down cargo bed and windshield & more, JD riding mower w/ bagger, Honda self propell mower/mulcher w/ bags, Mantis roto-tiller, pressure washer, Stihl chain saw, Stihl weedeater, Stihl leaf blower, 40 gal. fuel tank w/ 12v pump, pull yard lawn sprayer, 6” -3 pt. blade, 15 gal. sprayer w/ 12 v. Pump hand fert. spreader & seeder, fiberglass dump lawn wagon, fert. spreader on wheels, lawn aerator, 4000 watt generator, 5×10 tilt trailer w/ sides, chain link fence & gates, fiberglass dog house, sheep gates, wood & steel fence posts, lumber, Reese hitch carrier, 4-20” truck tires, 180 gal. 2 hole fiberglass hog waterer, 2 elec. fence chargers, dog cages & panels, plastic garbage cans & 55 gal barrels w/lids, steel workbench, elec. clippers, new alum. scoop shovels, elec. fans, Torpedo & propane heaters, 1000 lb wood feed box, sm. barn refrigerator, file cabinets, elec. battery chargers, circular saw, mitre saw, elec. grinder, log chains,hanging scales, shop vise, tool boxes, new Wagner paint sprayer, wheel barrow, alum. step & ext. & fiberglass ladders, hyd. jacks, carpenter tools, 4 new halogon shop lights, carpet rolls for dog cages, Sohio 5 gal. fuel can & more cans, slide in pickup bed liner, 2 fiberglass calf huts, cable ratchet, camping supplies, Impact tools, feed & water tubs, ss. 2 hole milk house wash vat, floor model portable air conditioner, dehumidifier, Lg. Rubbermaid patio box, small horse hay & grain feeders, 2 wheel cart, ext. cords & lots more hand tools not listed.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Canopy bed w/ cover & spread & sham & ruffle, 2 clawfoot walnut drop leaf end tables from MBG Furniture, ¼ sawn dresser w/ mirror, walnut dresser, chest of drawers, 100 yr old punch bowl set on pedestal, lg. glass vases, pressed & cut glass, cut glass hanging lamp, 2 MBG Furniture brass table lamps, corner stand, sm. rocker, hand made night stand, old wooden school desk, hat rack w/ mirror, Ironwood spread wing eagle, 2 Ironwood sitting eagles, sandstone eagle, collection of porcelain birds, butterfly collection, Danbury mint John Deere barn collection, tea set w/ cup & saucers, Porcelain dog collection, 1-4 gal. crocks, cabbage cutter, milk can w/ spigot.
FURNITURE-HOUSEHOLDS-MISC: King size trip around the world quilt, Ethan Allen bed & dresser w/ mirror & night stand, Ohio clock, lifetime coffee table book 60th Anniv. 1936-1996 & book faces1991 & book A year in pictures 1997, oak day bed, Ethan Allen oak desk w/ hutch top, oak 4 shelf bookcase, 2-5’ oak file cabinets, sm. oak desk, oak secretary desk w/ glass shelves & doors, 3 corner curio cabinets w/ glass doors & shelves, lighted Cherry curio cabinet, oak hutch w/ glass doors, Lazy Boy hide-a-bed couch w/ recliners on ends, 4 rocker recliners, Burgandy wing back recliner, 2 recliners, 2 twin motorized bed w/ head & feet raise & lower & massage, 2 oak directors chairs, Cherry straight back chair, oak trash can w/ drawer & towel rack, King size oak head board, 2 night stands, 2 touch lamps, Ergon chair & footstool, Kenmore portable sewing machine, reg. size box springs & mattress, Tiffany floor lamp, cedar chest, Cherry hall tree, oak rocker, oak rocker w/ wicker seat & back, full length mirror on stand, floor lamps, drop leaf end tables, assort. lamps & shades, Maytag washer, Samsung dryer, 2 yr. old Fridgedaire chest freezer, braided rug set, 8×10 & 8×12 braided rugs, 7’ free standing cupboard, 1949 & 1951 Life magazines, last copy of Sears catalogue, Hoover carpet shampooer, cookbook collection, Pyrex mixing bowls, glass paper weight collection, pressure cookers, new deep fryer, Kitchen rooster collection, Shark steam cleaner, lawn furniture, Sears glass patio table w/ 4 chairs & umbrella, 4’ & 8’ Lifetime tables & chairs, Patio gas heater, 2 Propane grills, Lg corner waterfall, square table & 4 padded chairs, yard decorations, like new Christmas tree w/ lights & more, 2 burner propane cooker on legs, cold pack canner, new canning jars, juicer, 4 portable cordless phones, Verizon home connect, answering machine, & lots more not listed.
TERMS: Cash or Check w/ ID.
SALE ORDER : Starting w/ small households & tools & antiques @ 9:00 A.M.- Then tractor & golf cart & ranger & row items approx. 1:00 P.M.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE : A very good clean quality sale from A-Z & everything is in good working order! The Davis’s supported the local school sales very much, so most of their furniture is locally Amish made. This auction is held due to moving out because of health reasons.
For more pictures go to Auction Zip ID #22244
LUNCH STAND BY: To Proceed Dan Keims bills.
For More Info Contact Owners
Gene & Marianne Davis
2068 CR 61
Millersburg, OH 44654
Auctioneers: Andy Raber Auctions LLC.
5345 TR 118 • Baltic, Oh 43804
Assisting Auctioneer
Vern Yoder