Beechvale School Haystack Supper and Benefit Auction
Friday, May 19, 2017 Serving at 4:00 p.m. • Auction begins at 5:30
Jonas Hochstetler residence 7241 TR 572 Millersburg, OH 44654
From Benton, OH take CR 189 north to CR 601 turn left to TR 572, right to auction
Items up for auction: New open surrey with fiberglass shafts and seat, sandwich wheels, LED lights and Hyd. brakes; buggy carrier, buggy harness, 12-volt battery, Lifetime tables, Mighty Lite chairs, patio set, wheelbarrow, fry pies, baked goods plus a nice variety of misc. items.
Note: All proceeds benefit Beechvale School. Bring a friend and enjoy the evening with us!
Auctioneers: Elmer Yoder • Steven Mast